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Serious Injuries from Bus Crash, Serious Results

by Dixon Law Office

When a pedestrian is crossing the street, they assume they are safe.  “This woman was doing exactly what she was supposed to do.  She was crossing with the light and in the crosswalk.  The bus driver just blew it,” said G. Grant Dixon III of the Dixon Law Office.   The bus driver made a left turn into the crosswalk, striking the woman. Witnesses described how the woman went flying and laid unconscious on the ground.

Sadly, the woman was very seriously injured.   She was hospitalized for days, missed three months of work, endured more than two years of therapy, and left with permanent pain.  Her entire life became ruled by pain.

After retaining Dixon Law Office, the staff immediately began its work of showing how terrible the conduct of the driver was.  Investigation revealed the driver was fired after the incident and had a number of prior problems with her employer.

After a lawsuit was filed, the work continued.  “We filed motions claiming that the lawyers and witnesses for the bus company  had hidden evidence four times in this case alone,“ Grant said.  They continued to fight the case all the way through trial.

The trial result was impressive.  Grant and his team were able to secure a verdict of more than double the last offer.  Grant continued, “all my client wanted was to be sure her medical bills were paid and some compensation for her life of pain.  I am proud that we were able to do that even though the bus company fought us every step of the way.”  She and her husband were so happy with the representation, they recorded a video for Dixon Law Office, available here.

Dixon Law Office staff has tremendous experience in catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases involving bus accidents.  We understand the severe injuries caused by these accidents, and we know how to handle the insurance companies. Please call our office at (888) 354-9880 to schedule an appointment or contact us online. Your consultation is free.

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