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Runner Safety

by Dixon Law Office

Winter brings temperature drops, snow and ice, and fewer hours of sunlight each day, but these extreme outdoor conditions do not stop Chicago-area runners. While these hearty souls cannot be stopped from getting in their miles, there are extra precautions runners and walkers should take in winter to ensure their safety while exercising.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2012, on average, a pedestrian was killed every two hours and injured every seven minutes in traffic crashes. A pedestrian, as defined for the purpose of the study, is any person on foot, walking, running, jogging, hiking, sitting or lying down who is involved in a motor vehicle traffic crash.

While there is no way to protect pedestrians from every reckless driver, here are some safety tips to help try and avoid accidents and injury:

  • Wear reflective gear, especially when it is still dark. Reflective vests, hats and clip-on flashing lights can help you stand out while sharing the road with vehicles.
  • Run on the sidewalk when possible.
  • Keep to the extreme left of the roadway and face oncoming traffic when you run or jog on the road itself.
  • Be extra cautious at intersections and crosswalks to avoid being hit by a car and seriously injured. Studies have found vehicles turning left account for the most accidents.
  • Beware of dangers such as cracked sidewalks, debris in the road, and ice and mud in your path.
  • Be alert to cars backing out of driveways and turning corners, as they may not see you.
  • Carry identification and a cell phone, if possible.
  • Run or walk with a friend and in a safe neighborhood.

If you are a runner or pedestrian who has been hit by a car or injured, you need an experienced personal injury attorney who can recover compensation to cover your medical bills, long-term care, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related expenses. For over 20 years, our team at Dixon Law Office has helped pedestrians, runners and other personal injury victims get the compensation they deserve. Call us today and let us help you, too. Call (888) 354-9880 or click here for a free consultation.

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