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Preventable Injuries Part Three Age 25 to 64

by Dixon Law Office

Next up in our series on the National Safety Council’s National Safety Month this June is a look at the leading cause of preventable death for those aged 25 to 64. We are sharing what you should know about preventable injuries and the top risks in four age groups, as preventable injuries are the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. Safety is a choice we need to make each day, and we all face a variety of risks throughout our lives.

Age 25 to 64 – Poisoning, largely from prescription pain medication, is the top cause of preventable death in this age group. More than 92 preventable deaths from poisoning occur each day. Things you can do to prevent injury or death is to ask your doctor about alternatives to prescription pain medication. If you must take opioids, take the smallest dose possible for the shortest amount of time. Finally, never share your prescriptions with friends and family.

If you or your loved one has been poisoned or seriously injured in an accident, the experienced team at Dixon Law Office can help. We have worked with hundreds of injury victims to help them get the compensation they deserve. Call now to schedule a meeting with a lawyer to discuss the specific facts of your injury case at toll-free at 888-354-9880 or click here to visit our website.

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