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New Illinois Laws in the New Year

by Dixon Law Office

Bicyclists, nursing home residents and commercial truck drivers are among the Illinois residents who will be affected by new laws that take effect in 2017. Attorney Grant Dixon, founder of Dixon Law Office, helps personal injury clients navigate laws – both new and old – to help them get the compensation they deserve.

“Each year, new legislation passes or changes to existing laws take effect and it’s critical to stay on top of it to inform clients and serve them better,” said Dixon. “Many times, the new laws add extra protections like the new bike law that gives bicyclists the same rights as vehicles and the new health facilities law that allows residents the right to have electronic monitoring in their rooms. These are very important new laws that will have a positive impact on the safety and well-being of many people in Illinois.”

Dixon has pinpointed five new 2017 laws that will have a major impact in the New Year:

Employee Leasing Company Act – A new law affecting worker’s compensation insurance for leased employees takes effect January 1, 2017.

Commercial Driver Training Schools – As of January 1, 2017, new regulations take effect regarding rule standards for the eligibility, conduct and operation of driver training schools. There also will be new course content standards for driver education for those persons under the age of 18 years.

Authorized Electronic Monitoring in Long-Term Care Facilities Act – Various laws will take effect January 1, 2017, regarding the installation of electronic monitoring equipment in health facilities, such as nursing home patient rooms.

Bicyclists Granted All Rights as Vehicles – Effective January 1, 2017, traffic laws will apply to persons riding bicycles. Bicyclists also will be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle. This new law clarifies that bicycles are vehicles.

Lead Poisoning Prevention Act – As of January 1, 2017, the owner of a regulated facility who has received a mitigation notice is obligated to give notice to current lessee or lessees and prospective purchasers of that unit written notice that a lead hazard has been identified in the unit.

The team at Dixon Law Office is available to discuss these and other new Illinois laws that go into effect in 2017. If you or your loved one has been injured in an accident, call us today to set up a meeting with a lawyer to discuss the specific facts of your injury case. Contact us at toll-free at 888-354-9880, or click here for a free consultation.

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