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New Illinois Laws for 2016 Underage Drinkers

by Dixon Law Office

Continuing our series on New Illinois Laws in 2016 is a look at new regulations involving underage drinkers.

Underage Drinker Immunity – In 2016, underage drinkers who call 911 for help will have immunity. This new law provides legal protection for a person who needs medical help as well as the person who called for him or her. While it is illegal to drink alcohol under the age of 21, it happens and this new law allows those that end up consuming too much alcohol and becoming extremely ill to call for help and get the medical attention they need. Drinking at a young age and alcohol poisoning are very serious and can lead to serious injury and even death. Always call for medical help when seriously ill or injured.

Additional new laws for 2016 include new nursing home regulations, new laws regarding concussions in youth sports, and changes to traffic ticket fees.

To discuss a serious injury to you or a loved one, contact the attorneys at Dixon Law Office today to discuss your case. Contact us any time at (888) 354-9880 or click here for a free consultation.

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