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Hit and Run During Live Radio Interview

by Dixon Law Office

Matt Williams is the general manager of the Washington Nationals baseball team.  Yesterday, he was in his car speaking with a local radio station about his team and the upcoming game.  While stopped in traffic, he is rear-ended by another car.  Live on the radio.  The driver of the other car then passes Williams and drives away.  Police pursued the man but, at last report, he was not yet captured.  You can listen to the radio interview here.

Fortunately for Williams, he was not injured.  But sadly, many Dixon Law Office clients are not so lucky.  Hit and run accidents are no joke.  They present many complicated legal questions and are difficult for inexperienced lawyers.

If you or a loved one has been a victim of a hit-and-run accident, call Dixon Law Office.  Even if the persona cauing the accident is never caught our experienced team of lawyers and staff can still get you the compensation you deserve. Contact us at toll-free at 888-354-9880, or click here for a free consultation.  Call today!

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