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Dangerous Riders

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by Dixon Law Office

Television and film have glamorized the dangerous riding by bicycle messengers.  “Bicycle messengers who ride their bikes in a reckless and dangerous way make all people who ride bicycles look like they are dangerous,” said G. Grant Dixon III of the Dixon Law Office, an Illinois law firm that frequently represents bicycle injury victims.   Some States have taken action.  Grant continued, “Illinois has a law that requires bicycle messengers to carry insurance.  It is not much but at least it is a step in the right direction so that when bicycle messengers cause harm, there is some way to compensate the victims.”  The law can be found at 625 Ill.Comp.Stat. § 5/11-1515.

If you or your loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident, please email us or call our office at (888) 354-9880 to schedule an appointment with an experienced bicycle accident attorney.   We are here to help you get the compensation you and your family deserve.

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