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Falls from Windows Injure 5,000+ Kids Every Year

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by Dixon Law Office

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently released a study that shows more than 5,100 kids visit emergency rooms each year, suffering injuries after falling from windows.   From 1990 through 2008, a staggering 98,415 children were treated in emergency rooms for injuries from window falls.  Most injured were young children, often falling through closed screens.  “Manufacturers have known for decades that window screens are not strong enough to hold back an inquisitive toddler,” said G. Grant Dixon III.  Grant is the founder of Dixon Law Office and a frequent advocate for children’s injury cases.  Parents assume that bug screens are strong enough to protect their children.  The fact is they are not.  And this is not just a problem in high-rise buildings.  Many of the reported injuries came from falls out of first and second floor windows.

If your child has been injured after falling through a screen, contact Dixon Law Office by email or phone at 888-354-9880.  We have the experience to help you and your family get the compensation the law entitles you to.

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