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Think Twice About These Routine Medical Tests Part 8 Ultrasounds for Ovarian Cysts

Posted on Categories Doctor, hospital, injury, Older Adults

by Dixon Law Office

Continuing our series on Routine Medical Tests to Avoid, doctors are warning that some scans and tests may do more harm than good as well as waste billions of dollars in health care costs annually. According to this AARP article, overuse of some tests can lead to dangerous side effects, pain, radiation exposure, unnecessary surgery and even death.

Follow-up Ultrasounds for Small Ovarian Cysts – Experts say many premenopausal women regularly have harmless ovarian cysts. Also, about 20 percent of postmenopausal women develop harmless cysts. Many women have repeated ultrasounds to verify that ovarian cysts have not become cancerous. However, current research shows these tests are not necessary, as the likelihood of these small simple cysts becoming cancer is very low. Some doctors say in postmenopausal women, only cysts larger than 1 centimeter in diameter need a follow-up ultrasound. In premenopausal women, cysts that are 3 centimeters or smaller are not a cause for concern.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a medical device, test or procedure, you need to discuss your case with an experienced personal injury attorney. Our team at Dixon Law Office has represented hundreds of injury victims, and we’ve helped them get the compensation the law says they deserve. Contact us today at (888)354-9880 or click here for a free consultation.

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