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Substance Abuse and Teen Driving

by Dixon Law Office

While it is true that substance usage by teens is on the rise in the new generation, statistics done by the National Young Driver Survey (NYDS) show that 90% of the teens that took the survey said that they rarely or ever get behind the wheel after using a drug or drinking alcohol. Experimenting with drugs and alcohol is not an acceptable thing, the repercussions are still horrific, yet this is almost choosing the lesser of two evils. While teens are doing these awful acts they are being smart about the responsibility behind a bad action. According to Teen Driver Source “teens are actually less likely than adults to get behind the wheel after drinking.” (You can read more about this topic here).

It is still very important to speak to your teen about the dangers of drugs and alcohol and let them know that if they choose to experiment it is extremely important to call you, the parent, to get a ride instead of trying to drive home by themselves. This reduces possible injury to them and others out on the road.

If you or a loved one have experienced harm from a drunk or high driver please know that someone is on your side fighting for you. Here at Dixon Law Office we have a team of highly qualified lawyers that can assist you in your time of need. Contact us at toll-free at 888-354-9880, or click here for a free consultation.

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