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School Liability for Bullying

Posted on Categories Children, Young AdultsTags

by Dixon Law Office

“Bullying” is the use of superior force or strength to intimidate someone else. It has become a silent epidemic in many of America’s schools. Thousands of students each year report they are victims of bullying conduct. Sadly, the result of some bullying is suicide.

Schools have a responsibility to protect students and staff from bullying conduct. The law recognizes this responsibility and many cases have made schools and administrators responsible for the often tragic results of bullying.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of bullying, you need an advocate. At Dixon Law Office, our lawyers and staff have been standing up for the rights of victims for decades. Call us today and let us help you too. Contact us at toll-free at 888-354-9880, or click here for a free review of your bullying case.

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