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Rights of the Victims of Bullying

Posted on Categories Children, Young AdultsTags

by Dixon Law Office

When you or a loved one has been the victim of bullying, you feel hurt. You also probably feel mad as well. Thousands of people each year report they are victims of bullying; thousands more are afraid to report it. Often victims simply don’t know where to turn.

Whether at school, work, or anywhere else, bullying is never acceptable.

The law gives victims of bullying rights. The person who is bullying someone else can be held accountable, regardless of age. If the school or employer was aware of the bullying and failed to stop it, they too are liable for the conduct.

The only way to stop bullying is to take a stand. At Dixon Law Office we have been helping victims of all kinds of wrongful conduct take a stand. It is what we do. Contact us at toll-free at 888-354-9880, or click here for a free consultation, and let is help you too.

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