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Pedestrian Ping Pong

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by Dixon Law Office

He had no chance. A pedestrian was crossing the street with the light. A car ran the red light, striking the pedestrian. He went flying across the intersection like a ping pong ball. Sadly, the pedestrian was killed.

It is not supposed to be this way. Pedestrians are supposed to be safe as they cross streets, walk on sidewalks, and play in parks. But that is not always the case. And when cars and pedestrians combine, the pedestrian ALWAYS loses.

If you, friend, family member or loved one has been hit by a car, you need help. First, get the emergency medical attention you need. That is most important. But you also need legal representation. At Dixon Law Office, we have represented hundreds of pedestrians and obtained millions of dollars in compensation for our clients. Call us today and let us help you too. Contact us at toll-free at 888-354-9880, or click here for a free consultation.

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