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Falls in Nursing Homes

Posted on Categories Nursing Home, slip and fall

by Dixon Law Office

Falls among nursing home residents occur frequently and repeatedly,” a recent report from the US Centers for Disease Control reported. The same report noted that about 1,800 nursing home residents die from those falls every year. Thousands more were left with serious and permanent injuries.

Nearly ALL of those falls were preventable. Nursing homes have the job to protect patients from injury but sadly they often fail. One of the best ways to prevent falls is simple: figure out who might be at risk for a fall. About 24% of the falls in nursing homes were in residents who had problems walking. Simply protecting those patients would significantly reduce the number of injuries and death.

Another problem in nursing homes are slip and trip hazards. Simply removing things on the floor, giving proper lighting, keeping floors dry, and maintaining wheel chairs properly would reduce falls by a huge 16-27%.

When you entrust your loved one to a nursing home, you expect them to keep him or her safe. When you learn of a fall, you should contact a lawyer as quickly as possible. Nearly every fall in a nursing home is the result of neglect and sometimes even indicate abuse. Accept no excuses.

Call Dixon Law Office right away and they can make sure your loved one gets the compensation he or she deserves. And maybe, by holding the nursing home responsible, the facility will learn and make it safer for others.

Call Dixon Law Office today at 888-354-9880 or click here now for a free review of your nursing home fall case.

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