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Even Higher Price for Longer Lengths

by Dixon Law Office

A skyrocketing trend for the summer months- super long hair. And while many are blessed with the ability to grow their locks to ridiculous lengths those of us with shorter follicles are forced to use alternatives. And as much fun as wigs sound a more “natural alternative” is extensions. Hair extensions are pieces of real or synthetic hair that is sewn, clipped or bonded to your natural hair with the desired outcome being longer, fuller, healthier looking hair. And now thousands upon thousands of women are experiencing the dangerous side effects associated with trying to enhance ones natural hair.

Inappropriately applied hair extensions cause an excessive amount of problems including Traction Alopecia (read: baldness), the weight and tension on the wearer’s hair follicles can cause permanent damage and prevent hair regrowth, as well as bleeding, and blinding headaches. Former Beauty queen Amanda Jones tried hair extensions for two Miss Virginia competitions. She had them sewn onto her head and experienced recurring bleeding from the scalp and breakage of her natural hair. Chicago cosmetologist Grace Santiler-Nowik, the president of the Professional Beauty Association’s Professional Council, explained: ‘It’s not something you tread into lightly. People want their hair thick and long, but they forget there’s a whole upkeep portion of it they have to maintain.’ To read the full analysis click here to read more.

If you or a loved one has experienced a fate similar to this one at the hands of faulty merchandise or professional application know that you have a right to compensation for your injuries. Call Dixon Law Office today at 888-354-9880 to receive a free case consultation or contact us online by clicking here.

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