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Broken Railroad Signals

by Dixon Law Office

It is always shocking to hear about accidents involving trains hitting cars, particularly at crossings when the signals are broken. It is a reminder of the severe danger you and your loved ones face when near train tracks. According to Metra, nearly 80 people are killed on or near railroad tracks each year in Illinois.

Railroads have a duty to provide a safe place for you to cross the tracks, whether you are in a car or a pedestrian. That means they have a responsibility to make sure the signals – every single one – is working properly at all times.

Sadly, some companies don’t maintain their signals in the best working order. If a train is approaching a signal it knows is out, the railroad has to stop the train, put a signman at the crossing, and then proceed. If they don’t do that, they are violating their own policies and probably breaking the law.

For more than 20 years, our team at Dixon Law Office has helped hundreds of personal injury victims, including cases of train and vehicle collisions. If you or a loved one have been in an accident involving a train, call our experienced attorneys to find out how we can help get you the compensation you deserve to cover medical bills, long-term care costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related expenses. Contact us at toll-free at 888-354-9880, or click here for a free consultation.

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