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What Are Bed Sores & Pressure Ulcers?

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by Dixon Law Office

Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores, are a serious and often preventable injury that can occur when a person is confined to a bed or wheelchair for an extended period of time. These injuries can be incredibly painful and can lead to serious complications, including infection and even death. If you or a loved one has suffered from a pressure ulcer, it’s important to understand your legal rights and options.

At Dixon Law Office, we understand the serious nature of pressure ulcer cases and are dedicated to fighting for the rights of our clients. Our experienced attorneys have a thorough understanding of the laws and regulations surrounding these types of cases and can help you navigate the legal process.

Pressure ulcers are often caused by neglect or a lack of proper care. For example, if a patient is not turned or repositioned often enough, the pressure on certain areas of the body can cause the skin to break down and ulcerate. Additionally, if a patient is not properly cleaned or moisturized, the skin can become dry and brittle, making it more susceptible to injury.

In cases of neglect or lack of proper care, the facility or caretaker can be held liable for the injuries. Our attorneys will investigate the circumstances surrounding the injury and gather evidence to build a strong case on your behalf. We will also work to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

If you or a loved one has suffered from a pressure ulcer, don’t hesitate to contact Dixon Law Office. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to fighting for the rights of our clients and will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve

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