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Violence in the Workplace

Posted on Categories Serious Injury, wrongful death

by Dixon Law Office

The headlines seem to report a new problem almost every day.  Someone comes to an office and shoots his coworkers.  Someone is attacked while sitting at his desk.  All are tragic.

There are lots of questions after such tragedy.  Why did this happen?  How could he do that?  Was this preventable?

If you or a loved one is a victim, you have lots of different questions.  Will he ever recover?  Who will pay for the medical bills?  What about his salary?  How will replace his income?

While workplace violence seems new, it is not.  Lawyers have been handling workplace violence cases for decades.  If you or a loved one is a victim of a workplace violence problem, you need help.  Now.

At Dixon Law Office, we represent victims and only victims.  We can help you get answers to these questions and many more that you have not even considered.  And, we can get you or your loved one the compensation the law says you deserve to pay those bills, replace that income, and make it right. Contact us at toll-free at 888-354-9880, or click here for a free consultation.  We can only help you if you call so call today.

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