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Summer Sports Injuries

by Dixon Law Office

As we squeeze out all we can of the last weeks of summer, keep in mind this is still prime season for a summer sports injury. Whether it’s beach volleyball, running along the lakefront, or intensive soccer clinics, summer activity can require using and overexerting muscles you don’t normally use. According to the Chicago Chiropractic and Sports Injury Centers, common summer injuries include sprains, swollen muscles, fractures, and dislocations.

Many times, sports injuries occur at summer camps and sports practices, and they are a leading cause of emergency room visits. Coaches and staff must properly supervise children and teens. Facilities have an obligation to maintain equipment and protective gear in proper working order. Coaches and supervisors must be sure not to overtrain a particular muscle with repetitive drills, which can lead to injuries in children. Negligence can lead to injuries, pain and expensive medical bills.

A summer sports injury is no fun and can be very painful. If you or your child has been the victim of a sports injury, you should review your case and the incident with an experienced personal injury attorney. For more than 20 years, our team at Dixon Law Office has helped injury victims recover compensation to cover medical bills, pain and suffering, and other related expenses. Call Dixon Law Office at toll free at (888) 354-9880 or click here for a free consultation.

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