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My Mom Was Dropped By A Nursing Home Staff Member. What Should I Do?

Posted on Categories Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

by Dixon Law Office

If your mother was injured due to the negligence of a nursing home staff, it’s important to take steps to protect her rights and ensure that she receives the compensation she deserves.

Here are the steps you should take:

Report the injury: The first step is to report the injury to the nursing home staff as soon as possible. You should be sure the nursing supervisor and the director of nursing is made aware of the incidence.  This will ensure that the nursing home is aware of the injury and can take steps to ensure that it doesn’t happen to anyone else.

Seek medical attention: If your mother has been injured, it’s important to seek medical attention right away. This will not only help her recover from her injuries, but it will also create a record of the injuries that can be used in a personal injury claim.

Gather evidence: If possible, gather as much evidence about the accident as you can. This may include photographs of the injury and the environment, eyewitness statements, and medical records.  After it is reported to the staff, ask for a copy of all written reports made about the incident.

Contact a personal injury attorney: An experienced personal injury attorney can help you navigate the personal injury claim process and ensure that your mother receives the compensation she deserves. An attorney can also help you determine whether you have a claim against the nursing home, the staff member who caused the injury, or any other third-party that may have caused or contributed to the accident.

At Dixon Law Office, our experienced attorneys have a thorough understanding of personal injury law and will work with you to ensure that your mother receives the compensation she deserves. Whether your loved one has been injured in a nursing home, hospital, or any other type of healthcare facility, we are here to help.

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