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Insurance Adjusters

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by Dixon Law Office

The front line of any insurance company is the adjuster.  An adjuster is usually the first person to hear about a crash and almost always the person charged with investigation.  They are paid to protect the company.

Few people know or consider insurance adjusters.  Insurance companies spend millions – yes millions – on training their adjusters.  Insurance companies set up teams of adjusters to work together.  They are trained how to investigate a claim.  They are trained how to locate evidence best for them.  They are even trained how to talk to you!  Most though, they are trained to limit the losses of the insurance company.

If you are injured in an accident, you will probably speak with one of these professionals.  Be careful.  No matter what they say, their goal is the same: protect the insurance company.

If you or a loved one has been in a car crash, fell at a store, suffered from medical malpractice, or been hurt at work, you need a team of people who are working for you.  You need Dixon Law Office.  Our team will investigate your case and tell what really happened.  We will work with the adjuster and be sure the truth is told.

Contact us at toll-free at 888-354-9880, or click here for a free consultation. Let us be on your team.

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