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Illinois Ranks 11th on List of Bicycle Friendly States

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by Dixon Law Office

Continuing our series on National Bike Month, we are pleased to report Illinois ranked 11th on the 2014 list of Bicycle Friendly States. The top 10 states in order of ranking were: Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Delaware, Oregon, Colorado, Maryland, Utah, California and Massachusetts. You can see Illinois’ report card here.

The Bicycle Friendly State program is designed to establish best practices and conducted jointly by The League of American Bicyclists and the Alliance for Biking and Walking. The League annually ranks all 50 states on how “bikeable” they are based on a comprehensive questionnaire answered by each state’s Bicycle Coordinator. States are judged on five categories: Legislation & Enforcement, Policies & Programs, Infrastructure & Funding, Education & Encouragement, and Evaluation & Planning.

Attributes of a Bicycle Friendly State include: programs working with schools about safe routes to school, accountability for projects proposed with bicycle components that they are built with those components, more than one percent of commuters bike to work, and there are few bicyclist fatalities.

At Dixon Law Office, we know first-hand what the roads are like for cyclists in Illinois – both from personal experience as cyclists and as attorneys who have represented dozens of bike accident victims. Call us today toll-free at (888)354-9880 or click here for a free consultation.

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