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Falls While Holiday Shopping

by Dixon Law Office

As you finish up (or perhaps begin!) your holiday shopping over the next week, be extra cautious to avoid injury in busy and hectic stores. Hazardous conditions can occur inside and outside of stores, and for customers, they are always sudden, unexpected, and embarrassing.

Many falls are the result of someone else doing something wrong. A box left out, a downspout draining on a sidewalk, a raised floor tile, or slippery floor are all examples of hazards you might not see and cause you to fall. Often, some of the most serious, catastrophic and life-altering injuries occur in a slip, trip and fall accident.

If you or a loved one falls, you are often confused and not sure what to do. “The first and most important thing to do is to get medical attention. But if you can, you want to find out what caused you to fall,” said G. Grant Dixon III, founder of Dixon Law Office, a law firm that helps victims get compensation after injuries. “It may seem obvious, but you never expect to fall, so finding out why can be important.”

At Dixon Law Office, we have obtained millions-of-dollars in compensation for victims of falls in stores. We have the experience to hold the store accountable and get you or your loved one the compensation you deserve. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a slip, trip, fall or other injury, Dixon Law Office can help. Call us today at 888-354-9880 or click here for a free consultation.

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