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What Cyclists Should Do If Hit by a Car

by Dixon Law Office

Sharing the road with motorists is always dangerous for cyclists. Many times, drivers do not see them because they are distracted or misjudge how close a bike is to their car. Cyclists should keep in mind that they should treat a collision between and bicycle and a car the same way one would treat a collision between two cars.

It happens all the time – a cyclist is riding along on their regular route and out of nowhere is hit by a car pulling out of a driveway or making a turn. At first the driver of the vehicle is apologetic and friendly, but later may not be so cooperative when the cyclist needs compensation for damages and injuries.

As outlined in this article in Triathlete magazine, there are steps you should take as a bicyclist to protect yourself if you are hit by a car.

  • Do call the police.
  • Don’t volunteer that you are “OK.” Ever.
  • Do get the driver’s insurance, license and contact information.
  • Do get contact info for any witnesses.
  • Do go to a doctor afterward, as pain and injuries may show up later after a few days.
  • Do preserve your evidence, and do not get your bike fixed right away.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a bicycle crash, you need an experienced personal injury attorney to review your case. For more than 20 years, our team at Dixon Law Office has helped hundreds of bike injury victims get the compensation they deserve. Contact us at toll-free at 888-354-9880, or click here for a free consultation.

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