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Bowled Over, Chicken Wings Recalled on Eve of Bowl Bonanza

Posted on Categories Product Liability

by Dixon Law Office

It is just a few short days before the biggest day in college football and a major manufacturer of chicken wings is issuing a recall of more than 180,000 pounds of the football snack.  CNN is reporting that Pilgrim’s Pride is recalling breaded chicken wings it made between January 1, 2010 and October 6, 2010.  The packages were sold to distributors which will make tracking the individual wings down even harder.   Manufactured in Boaz, Alabama, the wings have egg as an ingredient even though it is not listed on the packaging.  If you or a loved one became sick after eating chicken wings or any other prepared food product, call the premier personal injury and accident lawyers at Dixon Law Office.  We have experience in handling  food product cases and may be able to help you.

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