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5 Key Facts on Where and When Pedestrian Accidents Occur

by Dixon Law Office

Now that the weather outside is sunny and warm, many people are opting to walk to school, work and other places more often. Unfortunately, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), pedestrians were one of the few groups of road users to experience an increase in fatalities in the United States in 2013, totaling 4,735 deaths.

Here are the top 5 things to know about where and when pedestrian accidents happen:

Pedestrian deaths are most likely to occur on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays – Weekends are when nearly half of all pedestrian fatalities occur.

Alcohol involvement – Alcohol use, either by the driver or pedestrian, is reported in nearly half of all incidents resulting in pedestrian deaths. In one-third of these instances, the pedestrian was intoxicated.

Urban areas – nearly 3 out of 4 pedestrian fatalities occur in urban areas.

8 p.m. to midnight – 1 out of 3 pedestrian fatalities occur between 8 p.m. and midnight.

Non-intersections – 2 out of 3 pedestrian deaths happen at non-intersections.

Our law firm can help you or your loved one if you have been seriously injured in a pedestrian accident. The experienced team at Dixon Law Office has worked with hundreds of injury victims to help them get the compensation they deserve. The initial consultation is always free. Contact us any time at (888) 354-9880, or click here to set up a free consultation.

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