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Heatstroke, A Danger for Athletes

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by Dixon Law Office

At a time when much of the country suffers from extreme heat, many kids are well into their pre-season training for Fall sports.  “The heat presents a very real danger for everyone but particularly children and student-athletes,” said G. Grant Dixon III, founder of Dixon Law Office.  According to Mayo Clinic, heatstroke is a life-threatening condition that occurs when your body temperature reaches 104 F.  Working out in high temperatures can cause heat stroke.  If it is not treated, heatstroke will cause brain damage, organ failure and eventually death the Mayo Clinic article says.

Sadly, athletes have died from heatstroke during and after football practices, basketball practices, and soccer.  Even professional athletes have died from the effects of extreme heat.  More than 3,400 people died of heat-related causes from 1999 through 2003, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

“In sports, the coaches have a responsibility to know the warning signs of heatstroke.  They also need to take precautions to be sure their athletes are protected,” Grant said.  The signs of heatstroke include confusion, dizziness, fainting, headache, heavy perspiration, nausea; pale and moist or hot, dry skin, weak pulse, and weakness.  Grant continued, “unfortunately, many coaches don’t know – or worse ignore – the warning signs. That’s when people can die.  It can be very serious.”

To protect their athletes, coaches should make sure their athletes take regular breaks during practice and games. Kids need to drink 8 ounces of fluid—preferably water—every 20 minutes, and more after playing.  When students get tired, they need rest.  When it is hot, coaches should supply misting fans to cool off the athletes.  “Most important if for the coaches to be aware of the heat and protect their athletes,” Grant concluded.

If your student-athlete has been injured or killed from a heat-related problem, call us Dixon Law Office.  We know how to handle such cases and can help you or your loved one get the compensation they deserve.

Contact us at toll-free at 888-354-9880, or click here for a free consultation.

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